when gauging oil storage tanks what can you assume about the air under the thief hatch

Tank venting and thief hatch Safety Relief Valve
I doubt if you have a Thief Hatch, but if you do, it’s useless in a feedwater application. However, you might use it to install a good radar level detector. If you know (& you should) your worse (highest) venting capacity, then ProtectoSeal or Groth can help you select the appropriate emergency vent size for your tank.

Gauging Oil Tanks How It Can Kill You Roughneck City
Gauging Oil Tanks How It Can Kill You Septem . When Joe Morales found him, Jim Freemyer was standing over the hatch, dazed and miming the gestures of measuring the crude oil tank with nothing in his hands. Later, Freemyer wouldn't even remember Morales guiding him off the catwalk.

Gases and vapors continue to pose hazards on oil and gas
2) In some regions, workers gauge oil tanks by opening tank hatches, visually observing liquid levels, and then manually measuring liquid oil levels. 3) As commonly designed, fixed oil tanks often are interconnected for both liquid and vapor, allowing contents to equalize over multiple tanks. Equalization of tanks can result in a high volume of off gassed vapors when a tank hatch is opened.

Reducing Storage Tank Thief Hatch Emissions Emerson
Storage tanks in oil and gas production sites account for a sizable percentage of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. To address these regulations, you may have seen last week’s news, New ultra tight thief hatch reduces storage tank emissions, conserves tank contents .

Vent system design for storage tanks PetroWiki
Vent system design for storage tanks. Safety should be a primary concern when selecting a storage tank vent system for a specific application. In production operations, this normally means that a safe way of handling vapors that evolve from the liquid must be designed into the system, and air must be excluded from entering the tank and mixing with hydrocarbon in the vapor space.

A Tighter Thief Hatch for Today’s Tighter Emissions
Are your storage tanks losing product and emitting large percentages of VOC in oil & gas production? Do your tanks meet EPA emission “QUAD O” regulation? With the new, tighter EPA regulations call for tighter tank top solutions, Enardo’s new ES 665 thief hatch has risen to the challenge. The newly engineered Enardo internal components have proven to be a quantum step

Gases and vapors continue to pose hazards on oil and gas
A previous NIOSH report (2016)1 described the death of nine oil and gas extraction workers that occurred during gauging or sampling activities at open thief hatches on crude oil storage tanks. Hydrocarbon gases and vapors (HGVs) and associated oxygen displacement were the primary or contributory factors in these fatalities. Additionally, wellsite exposure assessments conducted by

Gases and vapors continue to pose hazards on oil and gas
A previous NIOSH report (2016) 1 described the death of nine oil and gas extraction workers that occurred during gauging or sampling activities at open thief hatches on crude oil storage tanks. Hydrocarbon gases and vapors (HGVs) and associated oxygen displacement were the primary or contributory factors in these fatalities.

Nine Oilfield Deaths Linked to Tank Gauging and Taking Oil
Nine Oil Industry Deaths are Linked to Tank Gauging and Taking Oil Samples Article by Stevie McHugh In recent weeks, federal health officials have sounded a national alarm regarding a deadly trend in the oilfields of America. Oilfield workers and truck drivers who are either tank gauging or taking oil samples for more testing are [ ]

Water and oil are in a tank, calculate pressure at the bottom
Check out http:// for more free engineering tutorials and math lessons! Fluid Mechanics Tutorial: Water and oil are in a tank, calculate

Petroleum Oil Gas Chemical Sampling Equipment
Oil Thief Sampler can be used to obtain: Spot level sample and Bottom sample. The clear barrel can assist the user in determining the amount of sediment and water on the bottom of

What Workers Need to Know About Oilfield Gas Exposure
There are a lot of names for “petroleum gases:” sweet gas, flammable air, LELs, hydrocarbon gases and vapors, etc. Petroleum gases are different than hydrogen sulfide/H2S. Workers are exposed when they open the thief hatch on an oil or water tank, releasing gases and vapors that are under pressure.

Respiratory protection as it relates to oil fields
However, where the gauging of sour crude oil tanks is concerned, air monitoring must be performed prior to each gauging operation, unless the weight percentage of H(2)S in the liquid crude is low enough that there is no potential for exposure above the PEL.

Tank gauging hazard alert SlideShare
Tank Gauging Hazard Alert Opening Statement: Opening thief hatches of storage tanks can lead to the rapid release of high concentrations of hydrocarbon gases and vapors. Those may result in very low oxygen levels and toxic and flammable conditions around and over the hatch.

Colorado's new air rules for the oil and gas sector Lexology
Colorado's new air rules for the oil and gas sector. Owners and operators should be aware that the compliance timeline is very tight. In general, new facilities constructed on or after May 1 2014 must cpmply upon start up and existing facilities must comply by May 1 2015.

Respiratory protection requirements for sour crude oil
Tank gauging requires an employee to climb to the top of the storage tank, open a thief hatch, and determine the tank level by means of a plumb bob. Crude oil temperature and specific gravity readings may also be taken at this time, which would involve taking a sample from the tank and/or reading a gauge.

Motherwell Tank Protection Pressure Vacuum Relief Valves
Supplying industries which include Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, food, water and Biogas. Motherwell Tank Protection design and manufacture pressure vacuum relief valves, free vents, gauge hatch and level gauges. All products are designed and manufactured out

Tank Gauging Basics Varec
Tank Gauging Basics Tank gauging is the generic name given to the measurement of liquids (product) in bulk storage tanks with the aim of quantifying how much product is in the tank, “gauging the contents of a tank”. Today, the oil and gas industry uses the static measurement of the tank

New video for oil and gas workers: the hazards of manual
New video for oil and gas workers: the hazards of manual gauging, sampling. Workers who manually gauge how much oil and water is in a tank, as well as oil haulers who collect samples before loading oil onto trucks, use thief hatches. Both types of workers often have long shifts in various kinds of weather, the video states,

OSHA NIOSH Hazard Alert Health and Safety Risks for
Working on or near oil and gas production tanks is of particular concern because these tanks may contain concentrated hydrocarbon gases and vapors that are under pressure. When the thief hatch is opened, the release of these pressurized gases and vapors can expose workers. Second, the gases and vapors can displace