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Paper 2 Corrosion Heat Treating
For repairing the oversize hole with sleeve, the hole must be drilled oversized by a) 3/16 b) 1/32 c) 1/64 d) 3/64 5. 7 X 19 size of cable indicates a) 7 wires of 19 strand b) 7 strand of 13 wire c) 7 strand of 19 strand d) none 6. Clevis bolt used in fork end of cable fitting a) AN CRS bolts b) NAS CRS bolts c) d) 7.

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Milviz F 15e Poh v 2 Aerial Refueling (123 views)
The engine monitor display (EMD) located on the front cockpit lower main instrument panel has a left and right liquid crystal display for RPM, temperature, fuel flow, nozzle position, and oil pressure (see Figure 1 3). In the MilViz F 15E, all information on the EMD is displayed whenever battery power is applied.

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For repairing the oversize hole with sleeve, the hole must be drilled oversized by a) 3/16 b) 1/32 c) 1/64 d) 3/64 5. 7 X 19 size of cable indicates a) 7 wires of 19 strand b) 7 strand of 13 wire c) 7 strand of 19 strand d) none 6. Clevis bolt used in fork end of cable fitting a) AN CRS bolts b) NAS CRS bolts c) d) 7.

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AC/DCMA and Ohms Easy to read 3 ~ digit display Autopolarity Low battery drain. 300hours con tinuous operation Low battery warning sign LowPower and Normal Ohmranges Cont inuity Buzzer (EZ 6l lO) Safety fused Autoranging and Autozeroing Large. ea sy ta read 3 ~ Digit LCD display Measures true rms Read volt age. current and power without