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6 DE Reg. 190 (8/1/02) 11.0 Mobile Equipment Repair and Refinishing. 33.1.1 This Section applies to any person who owns or operates a solvent cleaning machine that meets the criteria of sections and A dispenser mounted vacuum pump that is not functioning.

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The FlexWorks Automatic Fire Extinguisher System is a small, non rechargeable fire extinguisher designed specifically to be installed in a containment sump underneath an above ground fuel dispenser, and to automatically extinguish a fuel fire in the event of a dispenser knock over.

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ll. “Multicomponent coating” means a coating which is packaged in two or more parts, which parts are combined before application, and where a coreactant from one part of the coating chemically reacts, at ambient conditions, with a coreactant from another part of the coating. mm. “Open ended valve or line” means any valve, except safety relief valves, having one side of the valve seat

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