rfp or rfq for cng fueling station in greeley co

CNG FUEL SITE MAINTENANCE . A mandatory prebid meeting will be held on Wednesday, , at 10:00 AM at the Weld County CNG Station located at 1113 H Street, Greeley, C O, 80631. Bidders must participate and record their presence at the pre bid meeting to be allowed to submit bids.

Weld County Open & Bids Closed Bids Rocky Mountain E
Welcome to the Rocky Mountain E Purchasing System on behalf of Weld County . Weld County Open and Closed Solicitations are posted below. Please register to see details of all open opportunities.

a qualifications response for MRWMD
a qualifications response for MRWMD RFQ: Compressed Natural Gas & Landfill Gas Vehicle Fueling System Design Build Own Operate Transfer 6 Markets Served . Trillium CNG has designed, installed, and operated a fleet of more than 100 CNG compressors powered by more than 40,000 horsepower for a variety of customers across the United States.

CNG fueling station opens to public The Covington News
The city of Covington’s compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station is now open to the public, and the city is planning to have an open house and grand opening April 4 at 2 p.m. at the station

Open Bid Proposal Request Chicago Infrastructure
Summary: The hicago Infrastructure Trust (the “Trust”) ompressed Natural Gas (“NG”) Program’s objective is to create a compelling network of CNG stations that enable vehicle operators to fuel in the ity of hicago. As part of the Trust’s Competitive Open Bidding Process, we are requesting additional proposals from

At all Project Sites, the CNG Fueling Station Facilities will consist of one or more CNG Fueling Islands including protective weather canopy and lighting, screening of CNG storage tanks, fuel management and tracking system, fencing and all ancillary support systems.

TruStar Energy Breaks Ground on New CNG Fueling Station
(DENVER, CO) Dec. 10, 2013 TruStar Energy is excited to announce the mid December groundbreaking of a large time fill / fast fill CNG fueling station for the City of Denver, Colorado. The station is slated for completion in the spring of 2014. When completed, it will handle simultaneously 136 vehicles via time fill hoses and two vehicles at a fast fill dispenser.

Bids / Proposals / Tabulations Weld County, Colorado
A mandatory pre bid conference will be held on Octo at 9:00 AM, at the Weld County Printing and Supply building located at 1500 2 nd Street, Greeley, CO. Bids will be received at the Office of the Weld County Purchasing Department in the Weld County Administrative Building, 1150 O Street Room #107 Greeley, CO 80631, until: (10:00 AM) on (Octo ) (Weld County Purchasing

California Bids Government RFPs in CA
California Bids RFPs from California State & Local Governments in CA Bid Results: Over 2000 bid(s) published in the last 90 days, of which 1697 are currently open Award Results: 1163 government contract award(s) Start a New Search

Proposal 7508 Transfort CNG Fueling Facility Additions WAE
PROPOSAL 7508 TRANSFORT COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS FUELING FACILITY AND ADDENDUM NO. 1 1" CNG Fueling Station Proposal Summary of Proposal, Pricing and Option This proposal is being submitted by Ward Alternative Energy, LLC (WAE) for the sale,

Bid Results 2008 Present St. Petersburg
Bid Results 2008 Present. RFP 7943 Executive Search Services, Public Works Administrator (Not Awarded) RFQ 5743 Sanitation CNG Fueling Station Tuesday, Ap RFQ 5716 Snell Isle Blvd. Northeast Rafael Blvd. &Vicinity Storm Drainage Improvements Thursday, Ap .

Trillium CNG to Build CNG Location for Gunnison County
Trillium CNG to Build CNG Location for Gunnison County, Colorado Fleets Love’s Trillium CNG has finalized an agreement to bring a compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station to Gunnison, Colorado.

Purchasing City of Greeley
Please Note: The City of Greeley Purchasing Division cannot ensure the accuracy or completeness of information provided by private plan rooms. Please use Rocky Mountain E Purchasing as your only source for bids, Requests for Proposal, and Requests for Information.

Waukon Feed Ranch
FUEL STATION. MEET OUR STAFF. Dry Edible Beans CO & NE Grower Bids. USDA Wed Jun 26, 2:38AM CDT. GL_GR510 Greeley, CO Wed USDA CO Dept of Ag Market News Dry Edible Beans Daily Grower Bids ND/MN and NE CO/WY/W NE Beans Region Bids Change Pinto ND/MN Steady NE CO/WY/W NE Steady Black ND/MN Steady

Solicitation Notifications Hallandale Beach, FL
design build compressed natural gas (cng) fueling station consultants' competitive negotiation act (ccna) not awarded : no proposals received : rfq #fy2014 2015 004 exhibit i exhibit ii exhibit iii exhibit 1 sample of cbp attachment a non mandatory attendee sign in addendum #1 addendum #2

submitted in response to the conditions of this “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS” for CNG Fueling Station Maintenance Services (hereinafter referred to as RFP),” dated Septem , said RFP being on file in the offices of SolTrans located at 311 Sacramento Street, Vallejo, California, 94590.