power recovery in egyptian natural gas pressure reduction stations using turbo expander systems

Turboexpanders: Harnessing the Hidden Potential of Our
Turboexpanders: Harnessing the Hidden Potential of Our Natural Gas Distribution System Many of the innovations in green energy involve the recapture of otherwise wasted energy. Regenerative breaking systems on hybrid automobiles recapture the kinetic energy inherent in the motion of the vehicle.

Gas Turbine for Power Generation Introduction
The fuel to power efficiency of the engine is optimized by increasing the difference (or ratio) between the compressor discharge pressure and inlet air pressure. This compression ratio is dependent on the design. Gas turbines for power generation can be either industrial (heavy frame) or

Natural Gas Processing Principles and Technology Part I
Printed: 26 April 2004 [Natural Gas Processing Principles and Technology Part ] University of Calgary Natural Gas Processing Principles and Technology Part I April 2004 Author: Dr. A.H Younger, Revised and Prepared by: Dr Harald F. Thimm & Jason Sullivan Thimm Engineering Inc. 214, 3916 64th Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta T2C 2B4

Design and Optimization of an Integrated System to Recover
One of the potential sources to recover energy to generate electriicty is to utalize wase energy from pressure reduction station in natural gas transmission. The pressure of natural gas in transmission pipeline is high varying from 5 to7 MPa depending on the location and limitations.

Energy regeneration in natural gas pressure reduction
The replacement of the gas throttling process by the process of its expansion in turbo expanders (TE) makes it possible to convert the pressure of the natural gas into the mechanical energy,

Performance research on a power generation system using
This paper has focused on the performance study of a power generation system for energy recovery at natural gas pressure reduction stations under off design conditions. First, an experiment was carried out to test the off design performance of a twin screw expander prototype.

Turbo expanders IPIECA
Turbo expanders have a range of applications, but this template focuses on the use of turbo expanders for energy recovery and power generation. Virtually any high temperature or high pressure gas is a potential resource for energy recovery.

a Small Scale Pressure Recovery System Semantic Scholar
exergy in natural gas transport systems [8]. A turbo expander can be used to recycle the gas pressure energy. The annual recovered electrical power on City Gate Stations at Takestan, Iran was calculated to reach 1.1 GWh or so for a flow rate of 20,000 m3/h [9]. Recycling natural gas pressure energy using turbine is feasible for a system.

US20100043439A1 Method to pre heat natural gas at gas
The expansion of the gas generates shaft work which is converted into electrical power by the power generator and the expanded low pressure gas cools the power generator. This process results in the recovery of energy to replace the slipstream of natural that is presently used to pre heat gas at Pressure Reduction Stations.

Power Generation from Pressure Reduction in the Natural Gas Supply Chain in Bangladesh Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME 41, No. 2, December 2010 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh 90 Another project to install turbo expanders throughout London’s natural gas distribution system was

(PDF) Use of Expansion Turbines in Natural Gas Pressure
Stluka, P.: Využití energie při redukci tlaku plynu (Energy recovery at gas pressure reduction), thesis. Heating the gas upstream of the expander by means of: (a) an electric heater; (b) a gas boiler [3, 10]; (c) IC engine waste heat111213; (d) fuel cell waste heat [15]; (e) other available waste heat [16].

Producing electrical power in addition of heat in natural
amounts of pressure exergy. Pozˇivill (2004) has studied the use of turbo expanders in natural gas pressure drop stations with commercial software, AspenTech’s HYSYS process simulator. He investigated the effects of utilizing an expansion machine that was considered to be a turbo expander. A heater was responsible to meet the heat

Improving thermal performance of water bath heaters in
A water bath heater (also known as line heater) is one of the main components of a natural gas pressure reduction station. Indeed, the pressure of a natural gas pipeline that comes out of the ground at the station should be reduced.

Energy Recovery from Natural Gas Letdown Stations
Energy Recovery from Natural Gas Letdown Stations. This creates energy losses. Natural gas pressure is reduced in two steps. First, it is lowered at a gas regulating station, where the pressure goes from a range of 3,5 7,5 MPa to a range of 0,3 1,2 MPa. Then, at gas control points, it is reduced to a range of 0,005 0,6 MPa.

Electricity Production from Natural Gas Pressure Recovery
ers, most residential, commercial, and industrial customers obtain natural gas through LDCs. Some LDCs generate and distribute power along with natural gas. Many LDCs could incor porate expansion turbines into their gas distributionnetwork, as they have access to the large pressure drop as gas moves from an interstate pipeline to a local network.

Turbo Expander System Behavior Improvement sing an
and pressure ratio, these systems can produce up to several megawatts power in gas pressure reduction stations [3, 4, 5]. 2 The Problem Statement Some of the former studies about turbo expanders are on the basis of applying operational models of these systems in very small scales [6]. In these types of studies, the expander turbine

Turboexpanders at Pressure Letdown Stations
Turboexpanders at Pressure Letdown Stations Gas Pressure Letdown: Turboexpander vs. Pressure Regulator GE Power Systems claims to have produced over 3,500 units for a wide range of oil and gas industry applications. Note that the isentropic expansion of the natural gas through the turboexpander results in a greater temperature reduction

power of the Turbo expander due to the increase in the enthalpy of the upstream gas. An experimental proj ect has been implemented to use Turbo expander for power generation in San Diego Gas and Electric company in 1983 [4]. A Turbo expander unit of a capacity 260 kW had been installed parallel to the reducing valve in a pressure reduction station.

Natural Gas Processing Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
Gas Processing is the second and most important stage is concerned with the recovery and extraction of NGL from natural gas, followed by fractionation to separate components. Modern gas processing plants use cryogenic low temperature distillation process based on

Use of Expansion Turbines in Natural Gas Pressure
Key words: Expansion Turbines, Natural Gas Pressure Introduction Natural gas is transported for longer distances through transit pipeline at high pressures (5 7 MPa). In a place of consumption or at passing into a lower pressure pipeline the pressure of the gas must be reduced. In transmitting stations the pressure must be reduced from 5 7 MPa to .0 MPa (usually to 2.5 MPa) into high

Energy recovery at pressure regulating stations. Free
If preheat is readily available in the form of waste heat, as may be the case in petrochemical plants, power stations or compressor stations, the expander can benefit the bottom line. When waste heat is not available, natural gas or environmental sources are needed. The water bath heater is commonly used throughout the gas industry.

Energy Recovery Opportunity at Natural Gas Regulating
parallel in the station for achieving the goals of gas reduction pressure and power recovery was simulated in four scenarios by Thermoflow1 software. The results show undeniable fact that the Energy loss at this station has been 38,443,578 KWh for a year. As a result of using turbo expander , the energy recovery will be 96% [5].

pressure reduces from 250psi to approximately 60psi. In addition, at the most power plants in Iran the outlet gas pressure from reducion stations, varies from 100 to 400psi, depending on type of the gas turbines, to provide fuel gas for combustion chambers. Standardly, gas pressure reduction is accomplished in throttle valves.

power generation waste heat recovery Articles Energy XPRT
Almost all pressure reduction stations in Iran use expansion valves to reduce the natural gas pressure, which leads to wasting large amount of exergy. In this paper, a system is proposed which includes the modification of a conventional pressure reduction station with the addition of a turbo expander and a gas turbine for power recovery and