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Those with 150,000 miles or more, check in 01/07/04 12:53 AM I'm posting this in this section instead of the General section because it definitely has a lot to do with lubrication. I just wanted to see how many people here have over 150,000 miles on their original engines, to see what kind of oil you've been using and what kind of intervals.

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BtVS rewatch : SEASON 5 Page 28
Yep, it's the Season 5 rewatch thread. I know I'm super organised and well ahead of time, but I was sat with an apple/blackberry crumble and a spare 10 minutes. :biggrin1: All is the same as ever, below is the reference list of those signed up to do the initial reviews and I'll keep an episode list at the bottom of this post that links to each review when they have been posted.

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The LC 103 is an Ultrasonic Tank Level Monitor Gauge used for Heating Oil, Diesel, Water, DEF and other Tanks. It is mounted up to 15 ft away from the tank. The LC 103 also provides a separate ultrasonic sensor and a cable to remotely check the tank filling level.

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Los Angeles may in fact have created the whole trend of social media tracked food trucks, starting with the Kogi truck, a peripatetic Korean taco vendor that would show up at a different venue each day, tweeting his whereabouts to the uber hip.

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Paradip stopped cargo operations on Friday, port chairmanSudhanshu Shekhara Mishra told Reuters. He said all vessels wereordered to leave the port, which handles coal, crude oil andiron ore. An oil tanker holding about 2 million barrels of oil,worth some $220 million, was among those moved, an oil companysource said.

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