ogra lng filling station license fee

The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2002 (XVII
Updated: Monday Septem / AlEthnien Shaw / Somavara Asv , at 06:12:39 AM The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2002 . NO. XVII OF 2002 . An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority. WHEREAS it is expedient to foster competition, increase private investment and ownership in the midstream and

A Sample Gas Station Business Plan Template
A Sample Gas Station Business Plan Template Gas Station Business Overview A gas station which also called a petrol station, filling station, fueling station, or service station is a business facility which retails gasoline (petrol), diesel and lubricants for motor vehicles.

LPG (Autogas) Now in Pakistan Mechanical/Electrical
Dear Mr. Chaudhary, For your kind information, LPG price is per Liter as on today 10/12/2012 at HASCOL fuel station, near PAF Base, Shahrah e Faisal, Karachi which is filled in the OGRA approved LPG cylinders properly fitted in the vehicles.

CNG deregulation leaves users at market’s mercy Pakistan
CNG deregulation leaves users at market’s mercy the government stopped supplying natural gas to CNG stations in Punjab. and pricing of CNG at a filling station or switch to petrol as an

Pakistan News This Week Pakistan & Gulf Economist
Earlier, the LPG industry was paying Rs20,000 for the inspection of LPG auto filling station, Rs25,000 for the inspection of LPG plant, Rs5,000 for examining gas storage for self consumption and Rs5,000 for monitoring gas transportation. Now, the fee will be enhanced to Rs25000, Rs35,000, Rs15,000 and Rs7,000 respectively.

LPG Fuelled Vehicles
front and rear licence plate, a red retroreflective label with white or black lettering on a red background, as shown in the sample at right. These labels must be at least 25mm square and are available from all licensed LPG installers. Note:In case of an emergency or accident, this label provides

Latvia Needs LNG to Ease Energy Dependence LNG World News
OGRA Grants ETPL LNG Terminal License The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) has granted a licence to Elengy Terminal Pakistan Limited (ETPL) for J read more →

Adani Cng Franchise Opportunities Startup Business
Adani CNG franchise opportunities are increasing in the country due to the rapidly increasing demand of CNG across the country. Adani CNG feature includes it being safer, economical and secure to use too. Different retail outlets are now opened at Gujarat, Harayana, UP and Rajasthan.

Financial reporting in the oil and gas industry PwC
Financial reporting in the oil and gas industry 3 Foreword International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) provide the basis for financial reporting to the capital markets in an increasing number of countries around the world. Over 100 countries either use

The Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004 Indian Kanoon
(v) “compressed gas” means any permanent gas, liquefiable gas or gas dissolved in liquid under pressure or gas mixture which in a closed gas cylinder exercises a pressure either exceeding 2.5 kgf/ cm2 abs. (1.5 Kgf/cm2gauge) at + 15oC or a pressure exceeding 3 Kgf/cm2 abs. (2 Kgf/cm2gauge) at +50oC or both.

DPR Guidelines, Requirements and Forms for Application
← DPR Guidelines for the Establishment of Natural Gas Plant Facility in Nigeria DPR Procedure Guide for Construction of LPG Filling Plant and Autogas Station

GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Ministry of Petroleum & Natural
the satisfaction of OGRA, the provisional license will be converted to Marketing license for a period of fifteen years. 3.2.2 OGRA will also issue licences for production/extraction/LPG Air Mix plants, LPG storage, and filling plants and LPG refuelling stations for automotives. Permission from Department of

Starting A Cooking Gas (LPG) Distribution Business
your gladness,there is no need for you to beef me, that i am working in a gas company doesnt mean i am paid like those working in shell, i work in a gas company that has a gas plant say like working as an accounting officer in a filling station so beef me not i aint that rich yet im coming soon.

DPR plans upward review of licence fees for oil marketers
Zonal Controller of Operations at the DPR, Mr. Mohammed Usman, who stated this during an interactive session with independent and major oil marketers at its oil Marketers Annual General Meeting in Abuja, noted that the licence fees for filling station owners was the lowest in all business enterprises operating in Nigeria, saying they pay only N30,000 for two years.

Serious irregularities in Ogra head appointment
ISLAMABAD The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has found serious irregularities in the appointment of former chairman Ogra who contributed multi billions additional burden to gas consumers and issuance of 47 illegal licences for setting up of CNG stations.

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) Public of Notice, No. 11/2017 Payment tax on Installation and Operation of Fuel Filling Stations Activity Pursuant to Article 14.1 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais would like to make public Notice on the Fees resulted

In 2015 the market for compressed natural gas vehicles is still in its infancy despite a growth in sales, especially through 2009 to 2014. The CNG Passenger Car market is currently characterised by a high level of concentration in a small number of countries, low penetration in the major automotive markets and limited supply of models by OEMs.

Approximate investment per station (new site as independent LPG statOn) Approximate investment per station (co location natural gas but want the security, and re iability of Gas Bulk. Gas 'SHV Energy Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Application tor OGRA Provisional License (With initial fee and all documents listed In the form) through Hascol Petro

Type of License: LNG Safety Rule § list the various categories of license and the activities that each allows. You may check one or more categories of license. However, your company representative or representatives must be management level qualified for all categories of license checked.

Planning of LNG Filling Stations for Road Freight: A Case
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has the potential to save fuel cost and reduce air pollution compared to conventional diesel. In order to promote the development of LNG trucks in Shenzhen road freight industry, this paper aimed at forecasting the LNG filling demand and planning the stations construction.

How to Apply for Construction and Use Approvals of
gas or natural gas; ii. A container which contains or has contained LPG and has a facility for withdrawing such gas in liquid form where such gas is, or is to be, supplied to consumers by gas pipes from such a container; or iii. Any container which contains or has contained LPG whose aggregated nominal water capacity is more than 130 litres.

CNG Fueling Station Burbank, CA
The City of Burbank’s compressed natural gas fueling station is Burbank's first public access, 24 hours a day 7 days per week fast fill CNG station. It serves the City’s fleet of clean burning CNG vehicles and is available for use by the general public and corporate fleet vehicles.

TIMCO CNG Opens Fueling Station in Orange County, USA
TIMCO CNG Opens Fueling Station in Orange County, USA. zoom. TIMCO CNG is hosting a grand opening of its first public access CNG fueling station in Orange County which will provide consumer and fleet drivers of NGVs a convenient fueling option between Los Angeles and San Diego. LNG Filling Station Opens in Port of Antwerp.

• Initially a company has to apply for Provisional License under Rule 33 of LNG Rules, 2007 alongwith a fee of Rs. 5 million. • Schedule‐1 and Rule 33 refer to Rule 4 of LNG Rules, 2007 which elaborates the documents required for filing of Application alongwith License Application Form. • Provisional Licence is granted for a period of one year and within this period

Legal Guide For Starting A Petrol Pump Josh and Mak
The Franchisees Profit Share. This percentage is both decided and the regulated by OGRA; the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority. The percentage of this share will usually remain the same but the value can vary from between rupees per litre of petrol and around the same for diesel.

Port Qasim Authority Allocates Two LNG Sites (Pakistan
Port Qasim Authority Allocates Two LNG Sites (Pakistan) The Port Qasim Authority (PQA) has allocated two sites for liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminals, but so far no company has completed ( thenews )

2) No licence is required for transportation of petroleum class C under the Petroleum Rules, 1976. 3) The net carrying capacity of a tank truck or a tank semi trailor shall not exceed 25 kl of petroleum and the net carrying capacity of any compartment shall not exceed 5kl of petroleum.

Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority : Introduction
Registration as OGRA’s authorized manufactures of LPG equipment is also being dealt by the department. Moreover, the department also handles grant of licenses to design, construct and operate LNG receiving terminal and associated pipeline infrastructure to the companies interested in the LNG business as per the provisions of OGRA LNG Rules, 2007.

*Get CNG Pump Dealership 2020 Advertisement [Filling
To get the licence of the CNG Petrol Pump Dealership people have to follow the conditions of these companies. In this article we will provide answer to the CNG Filling Station Dealership 2020 related questions such as How to open CNG Pump? Conditions to open the Compressed Natural Gas Pump? How to obtain Licence for CNG Pump Dealership?

Petroleum Department: Energy REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
At this point an approval letter is generated by the system in notification of approval of license to the applicant and request for payment of licence fees is indicated. view document

Filling Station For Sale In Lagos State Business Nigeria
A filling station with 6 pumps on 3 plots of land with c of o and dpr license for sale at lasu iba road, ojo. N330,000,000 (asking) A filling station with 7 pumps on 6 plots of land with c of o and dpr license for sale at water busstop, iyana ipaja. N300,000,000 (asking)

CNG Compressors,China CNG Compressor Manufacturer
We provide different types of natural gas compressors for use in CNG mother and daughter stations as well as CNG filling stations. Natural Gas Compressor for CNG Filling Station Natural Gas Compressor for Parent CNG Station SGS, OGRA, OMIC, and Special Equipment Installation License (Pressure Equipment).

API Service Station FAQs
The federal excise tax is currently 18.3¢ per gallon, and there is an additional Leaking Underground Storage Tank fee of 0.1¢ per gallon. As of J , state taxes on gasoline, including state and local government taxes and fees, averaged 27.3¢ per gallon.

How to Start a Gas Station Startup Biz Hub
i would like to start a Gas Station on the N6 between Smithfield and Rouxville in the free state. South Africa. the route is busy at all time as it leads to two harbors gas station will be the ideal business for the road user please assist with the information on what to look at and how to start.

Ogra notifies hike in CNG prices The Nation
ISLAMABAD The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) on Tuesday increased the price of compressed natural gas (CNG) from Rs to Rs per kg for Region 1 and ISLAMABAD The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) on Tuesday increased the price of compressed natural gas (CNG) from Rs to Rs per kg for

The Legal Procedures for Installing a Petrol Pump Mughal
Fee and Security Deposit. The entrepreneur must pay both the joining fee (approx. 100,000) and security deposit (300,000, however, may vary) to be eligible to join an oil marketing company (OMC) as a dealer or retailer. The Franchise Fee. The fee (usually per litre supplied) is to be paid to the OMC on daily basis.

Filling station Wikipedia
A filling station that sells only electric energy is also known as a charging station, while a typical filling station can also be known as a fueling or gas station (United States and Canada), gasbar (Canada), gasoline stand or SS (Japan), petrol pump or petrol bunk (India and Pakistan), petrol garage, petrol station (Australia, Hong Kong, New

2011 CLD 1554 QUETTA HIGH COURT BALOCHISTAN. Arts.4, 18, 158 & 199—Constitutional petition—Establishment of CNG Filling Station in Sibi (Balochistan)—Grant of Provisional licence for such station and obtaining of NOC from Municipal Administration, Chief Inspector of Explosives and the Gas Company—Completion of such station by

specific retail outlet or filling station." In Regulation 3(b) (i) the words "and overcharging" shall be added after the word "billing" In Regulation 8(b) (ii) the words "inspect any site; or" shall be substituted with the words "in complaints concerning Natural Gas, LPG and CINQ inspect any site and for complaints regarding quality of refined oil

Back in the market for gas
The companies complain that Gas Natural's fees for the use of its distribution facilities are too high—by 25 30%, according to Cepsa, which has just imported its first cargo of Algerian LNG and had it regasified at the Barcelona terminal.

OGRA, FINANCE DEPARTMENT (051 9244360) KM 554e
from OGRA will Sale the natural gas to their retail consumers. The licencing fee in the form of Pay Order No. 00823135 dated Febru (of Askari Bank Limited, Blue Area Branch, Islamabad) worth IQs. / (Pak Rupees Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand only) as per Schedule Il of the Rules is enclosed. In view of above, the Authority is re uested to please consider the application for grant of the

Cng Station Selling Leads
Cng Station selling leads ☆ Find Cng Station manufacturers, suppliers and exporters. Menu. Selling Leads. All Product Selling Leads ( ) 200 is a natural gas pressuring device and is mainly used to compress and fill the family use natural gas to cars, i.e. pressuring the family use micro pressured natural gas to 20Mpa

CNG association presents new gas pricing formula
ISLAMABAD: The All Pakistan CNG Association presented on Wednesday a new pricing formula in the meeting of the Federal Cabinet’s Economic Coordination Committee to resolve the CNG

Construction of CNG station project final report. SlideShare
Construction of CNG station project final report. • Underground Gas Piping and Power Cables • Flooring Material Inputs There are two main inputs required for the CNG filling station, one is the natural gas and the other is electricity. The sponsor of the project is required to obtain both the connections from the relevant authorities i

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Health and Safety Authority
What are the dangers of LPG? LPG may leak as a gas or a liquid. If the liquid leaks it will quickly evaporate and form a relatively large cloud of gas which will drop to the ground, as it is heavier than air.