monthly sales tax return of cng stations

Filing Requirements for Sales and Use Tax Returns
The annual return, Form ST 101, New York State and Local Annual Sales and Use Tax Return, covers the period March 1 through February 28/29. Since sales tax returns are generally due within 20 days after the end of the reporting period, annual returns are due by March 20 each year.

Managing Sales Tax
Filing Due Dates. When you register, you will be set up to file sales tax returns on a quarterly or monthly basis. Remember: even if you did not make any sales for the period or if all your sales were exempt from sales tax, you must file a return for every period or your account will become delinquent. For quarterly filers, the reporting periods and due dates of the return are:

Iowa Gasoline and Fuel Taxes for 2019 SalesTaxHandbook
Iowa CNG Tax In Iowa, CNG is subject to a state excise tax of $ /gal(Prior to Ma ) $ /gal(Ma to J ) $ /gal (Effective J ) Point of Taxation:

Sales and Use Tax Forms
Online Filing All sales tax returns must be filed and paid electronically. Please visit the E file and Pay section of our website for more information on this process. Taxpayers may only file paper forms if the electronic filing requirement creates a hardship upon the taxpayer.

Monthly filer forms (Form ST 809 series)
New York State and Local Sales and Use Tax Return for Part Quarterly (Monthly) Filers Filing period: December 2018 Due date: Tuesday, Janu ST 809

Tax Guide for Gas Station Operators CDTFA
For gas stations, most taxable sales will be of fuel. However, tax will generally be due on non fuel items such as hot food to go, carbonated beverages, cigarettes, and other items sold at your location. If you have questions about whether an item is taxable you may contact our Customer Service Center at 1 800 400 7115.

NCDOR: Filing Frequency and Due Dates
the average monthly amount of tax due in the preceding calendar year. Penalties or interest will not be due on an underpayment of a prepayment if one of these three calculation methods is used. Taxpayers that file Form E 500, Sales and Use Tax Return and have a monthly with prepayment filing status are required to file their return online.

Publication S&U 7, Filing Sales and Use Tax Returns
Sales and Use Tax returns used by most businesses (Forms ST 51 and ST 50), and the Annual Business Use Tax Return (Form ST 18B) used by certain qualifying “nonsellers.” The quarterly returns and monthly remittance statements must be filed either online or by phone through the Sales and Use Tax EZ

Florida Dept. of Revenue Fuel Tax
A retailer of natural gas fuel must submit a $5 registration fee and a Florida Fuel or Pollutants Tax Application (Form DR 156) for each location that sells compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or a combination of the two for use in a motor vehicle. One application may be submitted if you own more than one retail station and each station operates under a single Federal Employee Identification Number.

Motor Fuel Tax Information By State Tax Admin
The new gasoline excise tax rate will be $.18 per gallon. The inspection fee rates for dyed diesel fuel will remain at $.02 per gallon, dyed kerosene will remain at $.01

Oklahoma Tax Commission Sales & Use Tax
Oklahoma Tax Commission. Search Obtaining Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production History Information Informational & Reporting Guidelines Ad Valorem General Information State Assessment Public Service Section Legislative Changes to Impact Sales & Use Tax April 2018.

5494 Alternative Fuel Dealer’s Monthly Tax Return
day of the monthly reporting period. If tax is paid after the 20th day of the month following the end of the monthly reporting period, please include penalty and interest with your tax payment as well. Only report whole gallons. You must ile a monthly tax return even if no tax is due. Failure to ile is punishable

Sales and Use Tax Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Sales and Use Tax Texas imposes a percent state sales and use tax on all retail sales, leases and rentals of most goods, as well as taxable services . Local taxing jurisdictions (cities, counties, special purpose districts and transit authorities) can also impose up to 2 percent sales and use tax for a maximum combined rate of percent.

Taxes 2017 Sales & Use Tax Forms
Many tax forms can now be completed on line for printing and mailing. Currently, there is no computation, validation, or verification of the information you enter, and you are still responsible for entering all required information. Instructions may require some information to be handwritten on the

NJ Division of Taxation Filing Sales and Use Tax Returns
You must file your monthly payments and quarterly Sales Tax returns on or before 11:59 p.m. of the 20th day of the month after the end of the filing period. (See chart below.) If the due date falls on a weekend or a legal holiday, the return and payment are due on the following business day.

How to File an Illinois Sales Tax Return
Illinois knows that filing a sales tax return can be hard, so they provide resources to business owners to help teach you how to file. We’ve done the work for you and compiled a list of helpful links, videos and resources to make filing your first sales tax return easier. Illinois state information: Illinois website

bFile Select Application
Do you owe federal taxes? EFTPS is a tax payment system provided free by the U.S. Department of Treasury. Pay federal taxes electronically on line or by phone 24/7. Do you need to file Unemployment Taxes? File Your Maryland Unemployment Insurance Quarterly Tax Return and view all of the unemployment insurance web services available to Maryland employers.

Filing Dates for Sales & Use Tax Returns CDTFA
Filing Dates for Sales & Use Tax Returns. The CDTFA assigns a filing frequency (quarterly prepay, quarterly, monthly, fiscal yearly, yearly) based on your reported sales tax or your anticipated taxable sales at the time of registration. Find your filing frequency below for your due dates.

Denver Sales Tax Return Monthly Department of Finance
Denver Sales Tax Return Monthly Account Number Phone Number Primary Business Location Period End Date Business Name. Line 1 Line 1 Line 5D All entries on this sales tax return must be rounded to the nearest dollar. You will still collect and keep track of exact amounts of steam and natural gas for energy producing purposes, informational

Florida Dept. of Revenue Sales and Use Tax
Sales and use tax is reported using a Sales and Use Tax Return (Form DR 15 ).Instructions (Form DR 15N ) are can file and pay sales and use tax electronically using the Department's free and secure File and Pay webpage, or you may purchase software from a vendor .. Returns and payments are due on the 1st and late after the 20th day of the month following each reporting period.

Frequently Asked Questions About Motor Fuel
Mileage basis customers will need to take a credit for tax paid for those purchases at an unmanned station, on the monthly LP gas return (MF 202). To claim the credit, copies of receipts showing Kansas motor fuel tax charged, need to be included with the return at time of filing.

New York Gasoline and Fuel Taxes for 2019
Petroleum Business Tax Return (PT 100) Report Due: On or before the 20 th day of the following month. Payment Due: ( a) A distributor or any other person subject to the provisions of article 12 A of the Tax Law who or which fails to file a return or fails to pay any tax