maximum permissible error in case of fuel dispenser for 10 l

National Standards Commission Compac Industries
The maximum permissible errors applied during a verification test of the fuel dispenser using the liquid for which it is to be verified/certified, and from normal flow rate to the minimum flow rate specified in the Certificate of Approval or Technical Schedule are: ±0.3% for the meter (adjusted/calibrated); and ±0.5% for the complete system (without adjustment). Other applicable maximum permissible errors are:

105 8 Final NIST
Variability sources include but are not limited to such items as consumable liquids used as fuel for liquid fueled engines, engine lubricating oil, hydraulic fluid, and also contamination by dirt, mud and/or water.

Optimised measurement uncertainty and decision making
The consequence costs in the above example of fuel dispensers, a loss of taxes on petroleum transactions of M€ associated with the % of meters exceeding the upper specification limit (Section 3.3) to be compared with a maximum permissible cost for the nation in the framework of a legal metrology service. It might in this case

D3.1 Analysis of existing EU and national regulation
This also includes fuel dispensers for liquefied gases under pressure (temperature below 10 °C) and measuring system for cryogenic liquids (temperature below 153 °C. including aspects such as Accuracy classification and maximum permissible errors (MPEs) for such This is e.g. the case for some types of Gas Meters.

Certificate of Approval No 10/1/28
The Compac model L LPG single hose fuel dispenser (Figures 1 and 2) is approved The pump is positioned either below the supply tank in which case the pump is designed for use in a state of flooded suction, or the pump is positioned even when these values are within the maximum permissible errors.

OIML R 117 1 Edition 2007
This publication reference OIML R 117 1, Edition 2007 was developed by the OIML Technical Subcommittees TC 8/SC 3 Dynamic volume measurement of liquids other than water and TC 8/SC 4 Dynamic mass measurement of liquids other than water (Note: TC 8/SC 4 was merged with TC 8/SC 3 in 2006). OIML R 117 1 was approved for

MEDEA: “Metrology Enabling Developing Economies in
MEDEA: “Metrology Enabling Developing Economies in Asia” Training Course on the Verification of Fuel Dispensers 11 to 13 July 2016 in Pattaya City, Thailand Introduction Accurate measurement of fuel dispensers is an important area of measurement in an economies’ metrological system and is closely linked to quality of life. The APLMF

National comparison on verification of fuel dispensers
measuring instruments is the fuel dispenser. In Portugal the fuel dispensers approved under the MID are subject to metrological control in service, thought its annual verification by the verification bodies, following internal procedures, according to specific national regulations [1]. Actually there are 45 000 hoses of fuel dispensers in

Supplementary Certificate of Approval
2. Description of Variant 1 approved 14/10/05 . Certain other models/configurations as listed in Table 1, including single meter/hose/nozzle dispensers and dual dispensers with each meter/hose/nozzle operating at different maximum flow rates. The pattern, model L CNGD15, uses a Laser housing as shown in Figure 1.

Liquid Fuel dispensers Legal Metrology
Case II: When the minimum measured quantity is less than 2 litres E min = 2 x value given in Table 3 and related to Line A of Table 2 A dispenser has a minimum acceptable volume of 0.5 litre and it delivers 1 litre fuel to a scooter. E min = 2 x 2(000) x 0.5 x 0.5/100 = 10 ml [for 1 l

2017 New Design High Quality Electronic Fuel Dispenser for
China 2017 New Design High Quality Electronic Fuel Dispenser for CNG Station, Find details about China CNG Dispenser, Fuel Dispenser from 2017 New Design High Quality Electronic Fuel Dispenser for CNG Station Chengdu Yuneng Energy Equipment Co., Ltd.

Practical hints for the verification of fuel dispensers OIML
defined maximum permissible error; incorrect or inaccurate functioning can lead to a significant ad vantage or disadvantage for either trading partner. Testing and verification Prior to being installed in the field, fuel dispensers should undergo a pattern approval test, i.e. every type of fuel dispenser has to be tested if both the accuracy and

However any measuring system which is used for making deliveries up to and including 100 litres are covered by these regulations even if they can also make deliveries greater than 100 litres. Measuring systems which never make deliveries of 100 litres or less are not within the scope of these regulations.

Verification of fuel dispensing pumps WMA
E is the fuel dispenser error, in % E’ is the uncorrected error, in % Eβ is the temperature correction for the standard capacity measure (%) Eα is the temperature correction for the test fuel (%) V m is the volume indicated by the fuel dispensing pump, in L V s is the volume measured in the standard capacity measure, in L t s

WEIGHTS AND MEASURES REGULATIONS TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulation PART I PRELIMINARY 1. Citation 2. Commencement 3. 2 stroke fuel dispensers 87. Tolerances for 2 stroke fuel dispensers "tolerance" means the maximum permissible departure in accuracy of a measuring

NITP 5.1 National Instrument Test Procedures for Fuel
(a) A volume measure of at least 10 L capacity suitable for deliveries at maximum flow rate specified for the dispenser. The measure should be suitable for deliveries greater than three times the minimum measured quantity (V min) specified for the dispenser. For dispensers

CNG Dispensers
Minimum and Maximum Flow Rate (Q min and Q max) Maximum pressure of the gas, P max; Minimum and Maximum temperature of gas(T min and T max which should be +10 to +40° C ) Environmental Class; Maximum Permissible Error, MPE. The MPE, for verification and re verification will be ±2% of the measured quantity. Preliminary Checking

Verifying fuel dispensers for trade ~ Agenparl
Fuel dispenser serial numbers. There is no industry standard for numbering fuel dispenser hoses. However, manufacturers do have to identify individual fuel dispensers and mark them as per their pattern approval requirements. The Fuel Dispenser Numbering Guide [ PDF] outlines each manufacturers’ numbering system. This helps verifiers and

GUIDANCE NOTE FOR RETAIL FUEL DISPENSERS (PETROL PUMPS) AND ROAD TANKER MOUNTED METER MEASURING SYSTEMS FITTED WITH STANDARD TEMPERATURE ACCOUNTING (STA) DISPLAYS 10 g. Correct the measure reading to volume at 15 °C using Appendix A and compare with the fuel dispenser indication of litres at 15 °C.

National comparison on verification of fuel dispensers
National comparison on verification of fuel dispensers Ana Almeidaa, Nelson Almeida, Elsa Batista, Eduarda Filipe, Cartaxo Reis IPQ Instituto Português da Qualidade, Rua António Gião, 2, 2829 513 Caparica, Portugal Abstract. In order to check the agreement of results and procedures in the field of verification of fuel

Fuel Dispensers CEYPETCO
The Fuel Dispensing Pumps Model/s offered shall hold a pattern approval as per the requirements of International Organization of Legal Metrology (O1ML) standard R 118 :2000 “Testing Procedures and Test Report format for Pattern Examination of fuel dispensers for Motor Vehicles and constituent Element” & OIML R 117 :1995 “Measuring System

Performance of Coriolis Meters in Transient Gas Flows
Legal Metrology Recommendation 139 maximum permissible errors for meters in gaseous fuel dispensers (1.0 %). Keywords: Coriolis meter, gaseous fuel, hydrogen meter, time response, transient flow

Dresser Wayne Model Global Star V C33 33 HHR Fuel
More than one fuel dispenser may be connected to the same submersible turbine pump. Dispensers may operate with the standard maximum flow rate, Qmax of 40 L/min, or with the increased maximum flow rate, Qmax of 70 L/min (Variant 1), or dispensers for use with distillate may be used with the high maximum flow rate, Qmax of 130 L/min (Variant 2)