lng gas station in islamabad

Exclusive: Exxon exit deals blow to Pakistan plans for LNG
ISLAMABAD/LONDON (Reuters) Exxon Mobil has pulled out of a major project in Pakistan, in a potential blow to plans to boost imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) after years of winter shortages. Differences among the six member group behind the

Gas stations in Islamabad (City) Directory List
If you are in Islamabad (City) (Islāmābād (Province), Islāmābād, Pakistan) and you do not know where to find a gas station that is nearby and cheap, open 24 hours a day and also work with diesel, enter here! See also the prices of the day

All Pakistan CNG Association APCNGA
Meeting with Petroleum Minister. APCNGA delegation comprising of Central Chairman Brig r. Iftihar Ahmed and Ghiyas Paracha met the Petroleum minister Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan today to discuss the restoration of Gas supply of [ ]

Shell Pakistan Shell Pakistan
Need for cleaner air driving strong LNG demand growth. Strong demand for cleaner burning fuel in Asia continued to drive rapid growth in liquefied natural gas (LNG) use in 2018, with global demand rising by 27 million tonnes to 319 million tonnes, according to Shell’s latest annual LNG Outlook.

Gas to CNG stations not restored yet
The government has yet to decide about the opening of CNG stations in the country as it has not opened the gas stations on 15th March as announced previously. It seems that the opening of CNG stations is attached with the import of LNG and before that the government is not in a mood to supply gas to this sector.

Petrol Pumps Gas Stations in Islamabad
is the first online information center about Islamabad, which is a beautiful city and capital of Pakistan with estimated population of 524,500 geographically located at

Pakistan LNG Limited
Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL) has been mandated by the Government of Pakistan to carry out the business of buying, importing, storing LNG, distributing, transporting, metering and selling of natural gas. In this capacity PLL will procure LNG from international markets and enter into onward arrangements for supply of gas to the end user, thereby managing the whole supply chain of LNG from procurement to end user gas

CNG Stations to Remain Closed for 10 Hours a Day in Islamabad
District Magistrate Islamabad, Captain Retired Mushtaq Ahmad, said immediate action will be taken against the offenders. Earlier the country suffered from an LNG shortage due to a fault at Port Qasim.

Gas supply to CNG stations, industries suspended across
Earlier in the day, it was reported that SSGC has also suspended the gas supply to all CNG stations in Islamabad for an indefinite period.

Pakistan raises gas prices up to 200% ahead of IMF loan
10 days ago ISLAMABAD Pakistan on Monday increased natural gas prices by up to 200% on Monday, shortly before the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was due to decide whether to approve a $6 billion loan for the country, which faces a balance of payment crisis. Pakistan's Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA

CNG stations to have uninterrupted gas supply in winter
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources is optimistic about ensuring smooth supply of gas to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) stations in the upcoming winter season after import of LNG. “The gas situation is improving gradually especially after arrival of imported LNG and 84 new oil and gas discoveries.

Development of natural gas as a vehicular fuel in Pakistan
Development of natural gas as a vehicular fuel in Pakistan: Issues and prospects loans with soft terms to setup a CNG station, gas network connection priority to CNG stations, liberal

CNG industry utilising LNG to bear gas theft losses The
islamabad: The government has passed on the full impact of gas theft to the compressed natural gas (CNG) industry that utilises imported liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Pakistan's government deflates dream of gas powered cars
Pakistan's government deflates dream of gas powered cars This article is more than 5 years old Nearly 3m drivers in Pakistan who opted for alternative to petrol face rationing and likely end of

CNG stations reopen in federal capital, Punjab Pakistan
Long lines of cars were seen at CNG stations across the province. Meanwhile, according to authorities, an LNG plane will arrive in Karachi on Friday, after which even power plants will be supplied

12 days later, CNG stations to resume operations in
Related story: CNG stations in Punjab and Islamabad to stay shut for the next two weeks According to the officials in the ministry, an LNG cargo is reaching Karachi on January 12 and then gas

CNG stations in Punjab and Islamabad to stay shut for the
CNG stations will remain closed for two weeks starting tomorrow (Friday) in Islamabad and Punjab, confirmed the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) spokesperson on Thursday.

CNG Prices in Pakistan
11 Aug, 2018 , CNG Prices in Pakistan 2018 CNG is one of the most used resources used to fuel vehicles in Pakistan. Apart from vehicles, CNG is abundantly used at domestic level for industries, road transport, and other related productions. This has affected the pricing factor of CNG in Pakistan.

CNG Stations to Remain Closed for 10 Hours a Day in Islamabad
District Magistrate Islamabad, Captain Retired Mushtaq Ahmad, said immediate action will be taken against the offenders. Earlier the country suffered

Notification to reopen CNG stations in Punjab, Islamabad
CNG stations will resume supply across Punjab after seven months. LAHORE (Web Desk) The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources has issued a notification to re open the Compressed Natural Gas stations across Punjab today (Friday). As per details, CNG station owners who deposit Rs1.2 million in