IC Card RFID Card Dispenser Ticket Issuing Machine for Smart Parking Lots, Kiosk Terminals, Fuel&CNG Dispensers

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In the past 15 years, hotels of the world's leading hotel chains, such as Intercontinental, Accor, Envergure, Blackstone and Pullman Groups, Hyatt, MGM Las Vegas, Luxor Las Vegas equipped with check in/check out kiosks have used our card dispensers and card issuing machines to deliver room keys.. Mobile phone providers use our dispensers to deliver sim cards to their clients.

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RFID/IC Card Dispenser: Motorized, F3 LintechTT
F3 card dispenser is an issuing machine that operate with card size based on ISO/IEC 7810 Identification cards: ID 1 size, operate thinckness from to . From history production experience, plus good idea and innovation design accumulated, this dispenser now equips reliable mechanism to make card issued smoothly and last for long life

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Rfid Card Issuing Machine, Rfid Card Issuing Machine
IC Card RFID Card Dispenser Ticket Issuing Machine for Smart Parking Lots, Kiosk Terminals, Fuel&CNG Dispensers . US $ .0 RS232 RFID card dispenser ticket issuing machine PVC Card vending machine with card reader for parking /access Self Service Kiosk IC ID RFID Card Issue Machine Card Dispenser with RFID/IC Card Reader Writer

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