fuel dispensing units at pso retail outlets

Unit Title (Task) Perform Retail Outlet Operations Description Supervisor which includes stock accounting, product indenting, process of This unit is about Retail Outlet operations carried out by the Retail Outlet decantation and unloading fuel at the outlet. Scope • This unit/task covers the following: • Maintaining stock accounting

Reports Corner: Marketing Report on Pakistan State Oil
Marketing Report on Pakistan State Oil Company Ltd PSO Since its inception in 1976 the company has been meeting more than 70% of the country’s fuel needs. PSO’s 3805 outlets all across the country markets more than 12 million tons of fuel products annually. Equipped with the most modern facilities like Electronic dispensing units

Suspected cheating at fuel pumps; "10 litres standard
Suspected cheating at fuel pumps; “10 litres standard measuring can” to the rescue [Opinion] J “ Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement.

The company has been laying special emphasis on quality and quantity of products. In this regard, 7 more mobile Quality Testing Units have been added in major cities bringing the total to 12. PSO also plans to provide Internet at 500 retail outlets, especially in inaccessible areas.

(1) These Regulations may be called ―The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Technical Standards and Specifications including Safety Standards for Retail Outlets dispensing Petroleum, Auto LPG and CNG) Regulations, 2016‖. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions.

IndianOil Corporation Petrol/Diesel Stations
Petrol/Diesel Stations. temperature sensors, density measurement sensors, back office server with dispensing unit controls, customer database, etc. In addition, non fuel retail facilities like convenience stores have been added to the KSK to sell pesticides, vegetables, banking products and stationery items.

Fuel dispensers set for a revamp to stop pilfering Pune
Fuel dispensers set for a revamp to stop pilfering owned oil companies to upgrade their fuel dispensing units to make upgrade their dispensing units at retail outlets across the country to

Fuel Dispensing Unit Wholesale, Fueled Suppliers Censtar
offers 506 fuel dispensing unit products. About 46% of these are pumps, 31% are other service equipment, and 1% are other machinery & industry equipment. A wide variety of fuel dispensing unit options are available to you, There are 506 fuel dispensing unit suppliers, mainly located in Asia.

IOC's Lotus Xangpo petrol pump world's highest altitude outlet
IOC's Lotus Xangpo petrol pump world's highest altitude outlet. Besides cutting greenhouse gas emission, "the solar power generation system enables the retail outlet to save about Rs 30,000 per month," it said, adding that the investment in putting up the solar system is recoverable in about 18 months.

News Detail Pakistan State Oil
KARACHI: Pakistan State Oil, the largest oil marketing company in Pakistan, has partnered with Telenor Pakistan the second largest and fastest growing cellular network of Pakistan in establishing connectivity between the pump controllers at its New Vision retail outlet network across country and PSO head office through customized GPRS solution.

PSO final PSO PROFILE Submitted To Sir Zaffar Mannan
PSO's state of the art New Vision retail outlets are equipped with the most modern facilities, including auto car wash, electronic dispensing units, convenience stores, business centers, internet facilities and Easy Payment Centers for payment of utility and Citibank credit card bills.

Suspected Cheating at Fuel Pumps: ‘10 litre standard
5 days ago Calibration is a process of establishing a standard and accurate measurement for a measuring device. The Ghana Standards Authority employs this method biannually to ensure that each dispensing unit at the retail stations delivers within the tolerable limit to give customers the right quantity of product purchased.

KB1. the products available in the retail outlet KB2. the safety precautions for before, during, and post operations KB3. the location of the dispensing units and its switches KB4. operating the fuel dispensing unit KB5. measurement of fuel density and temperature, conduct retail outlet sampling, routine dispenser delivery check KB6.

Who We Are Pakistan State Oil
Out of the total of 3,754 outlets, 1,786 Retail and 167 Consumer Business outlets have been upgraded with the most up to date facilities as per the visualization of the New Vision Retail Programme. PSO also operates 26 company owned and company operated (Co Co) sites serving the retail sector.

Mujahid Sardar Facilities Engineer Pakistan State Oil
Making layout plans for new retail outlets. Complete construction supervision (civil, electrical, mechanical and piping system at fuel station) Installation of equipment at site as per drawings and company standards (Completed 3 projects) Preventive and breakdown maintenance of Fuel Dispensing Units

Pso Company Hrm Term Report Commerce Essay
PSO is the market leader in Pakistan’s energy sector. It’s a public sector company with the government shares of 25%. The company has the largest network of retail outlets to serve the automotive sector and is the major fuel supplier to aviation, railways, power projects, armed forces and agriculture sector.

FedCenter Fuel Dispensing
If the dispensing facility is located in an area with an oxygenated gasoline program with a credit program and no minimum oxygen content requirement, the fuel pump at a retail outlet in the control area has a label that states the following:

News Detail: News
IndianOil plans to add another 1500 Retail outlets and Kisan Seva Kendras in the current financial year and envisions touching 5000 solar powered outlets and 10,000 by 2022. By installing solar power, the dealers of the outlets are assured of power supply at a constant voltage. Even fuel dispensing units, fan, tube lights and other essential

Marketing Discipline Guidelines
Retail Outlets 28 4.1 Dispensing units Standardizations of report 28 4.2 Maintenance of pumps & other equipments 28 4.3 Rectification of defects in Dispensing units / pipeline / tanks 28 4.4 Detection of presence of water in tanks 29 5 Type of Irregularities at Retail Outlets ( MS / HSD) and SKO LDO Dealerships 30 5.1 MS / HSD 30

BPCL, IOC and HPCL respond to petrol pump chip scam with e
Instead India was reeling under the news of a petrol pump chip scam fuel dispensing units at petrol pumps across the country had been fitted

pso machine oil oil pressing machine supplier
Pakistan State Oil Company Limited (PSO) is the largest oil marketing company of Pakistan having a wide spread retail network of around 3,500 retail outlets across the country. Pakistan State oil offers an opportunity to install and operate vending machines at PSO retail outlets where convenience store facility is not available. Get Price

Government plans end to end automation of oil marketing
An end to end automation starts right from the filling tank lorry at the terminal till fuel is dispensed at the retail outlet, and in the process account for every litre of fuel. The government plans to have complete automation and real time monitoring of 55,000 odd outlets of OMCs in the country by December 2018.

Suspected cheating at fuel pumps; “10 litres standard
“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.”― H. James Harrington In recent times, some consumers have complained to the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) [ ]

PSO Is The Market Leader Commerce Essay
PSO is the market leader in Pakistan's energy sector. It's a public sector company with the government shares of 25%. The company has the largest network of retail outlets to serve the automotive sector and is the major fuel supplier to aviation, railways, power projects, armed forces and agriculture sector.

who had just completed the second My Assignment Tutor
the format, the oil company took the responsibility for installation and maintenance of the fuel dispensing units and underground storage tanks at each retail outlet. Those units and tanks remained the parent company’s property. The oil company also operated fuel depots for intermediate storage. Each depot catered either to one district

3 PSO REGAINS LEADERSHIP ROLE UNDER TARIQ KIRMANI . PSO REGAINS LEADERSHIP ROLE UNDER TARIQ KIRMANI. By Our correspondent Mar 31 Equipped with most modern facilities like electronic dispensing units, convenience stores, Business Centers and, most of all, a more customer friendly staff, these outlets have gone a long way in

Petrol World Nigeria: Heyden Fuel Retail Expansion
Heyden Petroleum Limited has acquired 40 new fuel service station sites, thus bringing the number of its retail outlets to 50. The upgrade of the newly acquired fuel service stations is currently ongoing and is set for completion by the new year. Heyden retail outlets are strategically located in cities such as Lagos and Ogun.

Operations Management at Petrol retail outlet SlideShare
Operations Management at Petrol retail outlet 1. Petrol Retail Outlet Layout and Operation Submitted by Group 7 Darshit Paun 20131010 Nikhil Sajwal 20131026 Nilesh Kumar 20131027 Pinang Panjwani 20131032 Preeti Pal 20131034 Submitted to Prof. Sudhir Yadav 2.

Sarfraz Ahmed Manager Imports / Supply Chain Planning
View Sarfraz Ahmed’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Sarfraz has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Sarfraz’s

What Narendra Modi government is doing to fully automate
Though complete automation of retail fuel units was already underway, incidences of installing unauthorised chips in dispensing units leading to short delivery of fuel

Suspected cheating at fuel pumps; "10 litres standard
“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t

Vent Pipe : The pipe fitted on an underground tank in Petroleum Retail Outlets for breathing. Petroleum Retail Outlet : The area provided with facilities and specially designed for storage and dispensing to the fuel tanks of motor vehicles and any other approved receptacles. Pressure Vacuum Valve: A pressure and vacuum relief device used to

PSO Country’s Fastest Growing Retail Company
Karachi: The government owned Pakistan State Oil (PSO) is reported to be the country’s fastest growing retail company with three million consumers said to be visiting its retail outlets. A report stated PSO earns a significant share of its profits from 1.2 billion non oil transactions at its retail network outlets across Pakistan. It is the biggest oil and marketing

Fuel dispenser Wikipedia
A modern fuel dispenser is logically divided into two main parts — an electronic "head" containing an embedded computer to control the action of the pump, drive the pump's displays, and communicate to an indoor sales system; and secondly, the mechanical section which in a ‘self contained’ unit has an electric motor, pumping unit, meters, pulsers and valves to physically pump and control

CENTRAL PROCUREMENT ORGANISATION (MKTG) BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED A INSTALLATION, SEWREE FORT ROAD Also such initiative enables BPCL to monitor / analyze product stock & sales of retail outlets and control retail fuel price effectively and efficiently. Dispensing units installed at the Retail Outlets are approximately 2 to 5

PSO internship SlideShare
PSO retail department is spread across the nation with 14 divisional offices. Each retail outlet and division is linked with a SAP software. Departments at PSO: Pakistan State Oil (PSO) have many department and with such a huge base of fixed assets

ZTE) Nig Alternative Fuel for West Africa
Zip Tech Energy Limited (ZTE) Nigeria is a Private Limited Company, focusing on Upstream and Downstream energy sector and the only Nigeria "Alternative Vehicle Fuel", LNG, CNG and LPG "production" and distribution company. We have two gas production facilities, one located at Obigbo near Port Harcourt River State the other south east of Ore in Ondo State.

PSO country’s fastest growing retail company: Report
KARACHI: The government owned Pakistan State Oil (PSO) is reported to be the country’s fastest growing retail company with three million consumers said to be visiting its retail outlets. A report in Dawn stated PSO earns a significant share of its profits from 1.2 billion non oil transactions at its retail network outlets across Pakistan. It is the [ ]

Final Presentation I.T Microsoft Windows Retail
2 PSO's state of the art New Vision retail outlets are equipped with the most modern facilities, including auto car wash, electronic dispensing units, convenience stores, business centers, internet facilities and Easy Payment Centers for payment of utility and Citibank credit card bills.

23 prisoners to man new fuel retail outlet in Coimbatore
Plans are afoot to start such a bunk on a place belonged to prisons department on Bharathiyar Road in the city, they said. State of the art facilities and mandatory facilities at each fuel retail outlet like adequate storage for petrol, diesel and space for storing lubricants, modern electronic dispensing units, compound wall, canopy, paver drive way, visual identity, sales building, separate

PSO has launched Fuelink a Fuel Management Solution for
PSO has launched Fuelink a Fuel Management Solution for its corporate card customers. It caters to the fuel requirements of a wide spectrum of customers comprising the retail consumer, various industrial units, government, power projects, aviation and marine sectors of Pakistan. Pakistan State Oil’s retail outlets were selected by

Pakistan State Oil About Facebook
PSO provides fuel to 9 airports nation wide as well as the 2 major sea ports in Pakistan. As part of the Non Fuel Retail (NFR) initiative, PSO has more than 150 Shop Stops at its retail outlets across Pakistan which provide customers with round the clock service and convenience.

GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PETROL STATIONS 1. MINIMUM STANDARD REQUIREMENTS OF A PETROL FILLING STATION All storage tanks at retail dispensing sites shall be placed underground. The tank shall have a protective coating. As a minimum requirement, the tank shall be painted with Fuel should be stored in double walled containers/tanks

Shakeeb Haider Head End User Sales Turbocharging ABB
Pakistan State Oil Company (PSO) at New Vision Retail Outlets. The equipment maintained includes Fuel Dispensing Units, Pumps, Motors, Flow Meter Assemblies, QOCMs, Fuel Pipelines, Air

1. What is Petrol Pump Hindustan Petroleum
PETROL PUMPS (RETAIL OUTLETS) 1. 9 A Retail Outlet is not just a place for meeting fuel needs. It offers the Dispensing unit. c) Dip the thermometer and hydrometer in the jar and record the temperature and density. d) The actual density observed is then converted to density at