calibration of meters for sale in Canada

Laws and requirements Measurement Canada
Units of measurement applied to the sale of electricity or natural gas in Canada and the provision of meter registration information: P E 01—Procedures for calibrating and certifying electricity meter calibration consoles pursuant to EL ENG 12 01—requirements for the certification of measuring apparatus—electricity meter calibration

Sound Level Meters Acklands Grainger, Canada
Sound level meter. FEatures A & C weighting. Measuring range 30 to 130 decibels. FEatures include Max/Min recording, data hold, and a frequency range of to 8KHz. Includes carrying case, wind screen, user manual and 9V battery. Sound level meter. FEatures A & C weighting. Measuring

Sound Level Meters Acklands Grainger, Canada
Sound level meter. FEatures A & C weighting. Measuring range 30 to 130 decibels. FEatures include Max/Min recording, data hold, and a frequency range of to 8KHz. Includes carrying case, wind screen, user manual and 9V battery. Sound level meter. FEatures A

Fluke 16 General Purpose Meter For HVAC Fluke
When measuring ohms, continuity, or diode test modes, the meter automatically switches to measuring ac or dc volts if more than is present Continuity Capture™ locates intermittent opens as brief as 250 microseconds and identifies them in a symbolic display as short to open or open to short

Fluke Canada Test & Measurement Tools & Software
Fluke offers a wide range of electronic test and measurement tools, network troubleshooting equipment, digital multimeters, electrical testers, process calibrators and calibration

Force Gauges Canada: Sales, Service, Accredited Calibrations
With over 25 years of experience in the metrology field, the DMM Group of Companies provide sales, accredited calibrations, service, installations, contract calibration management and training on major metrology equipment. We are located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Buy your force instrument in Canada from us with confidence!

Calibration Equipment & Calibrators For Sale Transcat
Calibration Equipment & Calibrators For Sale at Transcat. Best Price Guaranteed. Thousands of Items In Stock. Call, Order, or Get a Quote!

EMF Meters, Gauss Meters, ELF Meters For Sale
Transcat Canada is a global leader and the largest provider of ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration & dimensional inspection services in Canada. Buy or rent quality test equipment and calibration tools that comply with safety standards.

Megger Electrical Testers & Meters for Sale Transcat
Do you have an electrical test or measurement challenge? Megger, one of the industry's most recognizable brands, has a full service solution. The company has been a leading global provider of test equipment and measuring instruments for electrical power applications for over 100 years, and has been so influential in the creation and development of electrical insulation testers that the term

Radiation Detectors For Sale Direct Scientific
DSM 501 MicroR Meter. This survey meter is ideal for gamma detection at the microR level. The internal plastic scintllation detector provides a flatter response than the conventional NaI detector. A beta window allows some beta dectection. This microR survey meter is ideal for NORM measurement.

Civil Defense Radiation Detectors & Detection Meters FAQ
All calibration certifications of these Civil Defense survey meters is accomplished here with the CD V 794 calibrators built specifically for these type meters. This calibrator utilizes a N.I.S.T. traceable Cs 137 source that tests and calibrates (adjusts) mid scale for all

Fluke Clamp Meters on sale at Clamp
Top 25 Selling Clamp Meters. This measurement can be critical when troubleshooting problems such as nuisance trips of over current protection devices. Because it looks at the entire motor inrush period, it is far more accurate than the "MAX" function which only looks at a single point in time.

Ultrasonic Calibration Blocks
We offer UT Calibration Blocks of all standard designs and can supply "specials" made to your requirements. Quality is guaranteed and pricing is significantly less than "Goliath Electric & Co."

Gauss Meters from Cole Parmer Canada
Gauss Meters Gauss meters, also called Tesla meters, are used to measure electromagnetic fields (EMF) from wiring or power lines, magnetic fields around critical equipment, or measure magnetic shielding performance.

Used Test Equipment, Refurbished Test Equipment For Sale
We carefully refurbish used test equipment and subject it to an uncompromising calibration and certification process to ensure it is ready for operation on day one. Our 10 day, no questions asked return policy and our one year warranty guarantee you a successful used instrument purchase.

Fluke Clamp Meters on sale at TEquipment
Fluke Clamp Meters on sale. We also take purchase orders and can provide special school, government and corporate pricing. Fluke Clamp Meters on sale at TEquipment

Meter Calibration Alberta Flow Tech Meter Services Ltd.
Meter Calibration and Other Services in Alberta and Western Canada Flow Tech Meter Services is a Calgary, Alberta based company that has operated since 1989. Starting with one mobile Volumetric Prover servicing local customers, our company has since expanded to 4 mobile tandem Volumetric Provers and extended its area of operations to include:

Calibration and service for USA and Canada Brüel & Kjær
Noise dose meter calibration; Calibrator and pistonphone calibration; Reference instrument calibration; Frequently asked questions about calibration; Calibration and service for USA and Canada; Calibration and service for USA and Canada. New Service! Order calibration or

For over 50 years Kingsway Instruments has been Canada's most trusted instrumentation provider with the lowest prices and fastest turnarounds bar none. Shop online for Sales, Service, Rentals and Calibration of Electrical, Dimensional, Humidity, Pressure, Temperature, Torque,

Home Measurement Canada
Measurement Canada is an agency of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. It is responsible for ensuring accuracy in the selling of measured goods, developing and enforcing the laws related to measurement accuracy, approving and inspecting measuring devices and investigating complaints of suspected inaccurate measurement.

EMF Meters and Gaussmeters
Our EMF meters and products are available in Canada, the USA and throughout the skilled EMF professionals are happy to answer any questions and connect you to the right measurement and mitigation tools for your home or business.

Calibration Requirements for Confined Space Gas Detectors
Calibration Requirements for Confined Space Gas Detectors. Manufacturers and regulatory agencies agree the safest and most conservative approach is to perform a functional test by exposing the