calibration instrument for sale in Canada

Laboratory Marketplace Buy, Sell, Partner Leads to Deals
LaboratoryForSale is a merger and acquisition platform for buying and selling laboratories of all types clinical, analytical, food, pharmaceutical, calibration, materials and other laboratories

Calibration Equipment & Calibrators For Sale Transcat
Calibration Equipment & Calibrators For Sale at Transcat. Best Price Guaranteed. Thousands of Items In Stock. Call, Order, or Get a Quote!

Canada Speedometer Home
Canada Speedometer is a leader in the North American, aftermarket, automotive instrument cluster calibration, conversion, and repair industry. At our Ingersoll Ontario facility, we can convert your automotive instrument clusters from kilometers ( metric ) to miles ( imperial ), and from miles ( imperial ) to kilometers ( metric ).

Test & Measurement Instruments with Engineering Support
Shop Instrumart for the best in test & measurement instruments. Instrumart carries over 100 brands of industrial instruments and supports customers with free lifetime technical support from its staff of Applications Engineers.

For over 50 years Kingsway Instruments has been Canada's most trusted instrumentation provider with the lowest prices and fastest turnarounds bar none. Shop online for Sales, Service, Rentals and Calibration of Electrical, Dimensional, Humidity, Pressure, Temperature, Torque,

Micro Precision Calibration
Micro Precision is also known for best innovations that will give precise management software and system needs. Outstanding IT solutions, well tested software, developed by experts to achieve quality services in the country.

Calibrators Inc Calibration Instruments For Sale
Calibrators Inc Calibration Instruments For Sale at Transcat. Best Price Guaranteed. More Products In Stock Than Anyone. Call, Order, or Get a Quote!

Calibration Labels Calibration Stickers QCLabels
Use our vivid labels to ensure routine calibration and working accuracy of your equipment. Explore our best selling and featured labels below, organized by legend. • We sell labels in many sizes, shapes, and color variations to suit your needs.

Force Gauges Canada: Sales, Service, Accredited Calibrations
With over 25 years of experience in the metrology field, the DMM Group of Companies provide sales, accredited calibrations, service, installations, contract calibration management and training on major metrology equipment. We are located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Buy your force instrument in Canada from us with confidence!

Calibration and Control Equipment Used Test Equipment
Calibration systems for vacuum gauges In view of increasingly stringent quality assurance requirements where the accuracy and reproducibility of the vacuum measured during production and se

Homepage CanTorque
DISTRIBUTORS WANTED As leaders in quality design, manufacturing, and fabrication of bolting tools, CanTorque is looking for certified quality distributors to carry our products. Exclusive Territories Avaialble BECOME A DISTRIBUTOR Welcome to CanTorque Western Canada’s own CanTorque offers you the very best in torque wrench sales, rentals, service, calibration, and custom fabrication.

Electrical Test Instruments: Calibration & Repair Services
Electrical Test Instruments is a leader in the manufacturing, calibration and repair of electrical test equipment and mechanical measuring offers NIST traceable calibration and certification onsite at your facility or at our state of the art calibration laboratory.

Instruments Canada Company Ltd.
Instruments Canada Company Ltd., a member of the "Canadian Calibration Network", accredited as a "Calibration Laboratory" by the Standards Council of Canada and, "CLAS Certified" by the National Research Council, is committed to a Quality Management

Davis Instruments provides Test Equipment and Controls
Since 1912, Davis Instruments has been one of the world's leading sources of test, measurement, control, and calibration instruments. Davis Instruments provides Test Equipment and Controls from Davis Instruments

Home United Testing Systems Canada Ltd.: Materials
Welcome to United Testing Systems Canada : United Testing Systems Canada Limited established in 1981 has become one of Canada's leading suppliers of materials testing equipment and calibration services. United Testing Systems Canada Limited maintains a force calibration laboratory in Concord Ontario and provides field calibrations across Canada.

Used Test Equipment Dealers Directory
National Test Equipment is a test and measurement sales, rental and leasing company that also repairs and calibrates equipment in our ISO 17025 accredited calibration lab. Our highly skilled Sale Representatives can assist you with all of your new and refurbished test equipment needs.

MSA The Safety Company Canada
V EDGE™ Leading Edge Self Retracting Lifeline V FLEX™ Safety Harness V TEC™ Mini Personal Fall Limiter V Gard® Hard Hat Cap Style We turn real world experience into best in class safety solutions.

Calibration Test Equipment for sale Censtar
TEXASPARTS has for sale the Roosa Master seal tool to install the drive shaft seals in a Roosa. Master DB style pump. If you install these seals wrong, the pump will fill the. complete your diesel fuel