a closed tank of size 1.5 m 1.5 m in plain containg air at the top followed by oil and then by water each fluid has 1m height pr

physics question! please help!? Yahoo Answers
In a very large closed tank, the absolute pressure of the air above the water is x 105 Pa. The water leaves the bottom of the tank through a nozzle that is directed straight upward. The opening of the nozzle is m below the surface of the water. (a) Find the speed at which the water leaves the nozzle. (b) Ignoring air resistance and viscous effects, determine the height (relative to

Review Chapter 1
Review Chapter 1 A ladder leans against a wall and makes an angle with the wall of 32° as shown in the figure. What is the height h above the floor where

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Mohamed World Academy of Science, Engineering and
An experiment was conducted using two aeration methods (water into air and air into water) and followed by filtration processes using manganese greensand material. The properties of groundwater such as pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and heavy metal concentration (iron

Is my answer correct whats the presssure? Yahoo Answers
A tall barrel is closed on top except for a thin pipe extending up from the top. When the barrel is filled with water up to the base of the pipe ( deep) the water pressure on the bottom of the barrel is 15kPa . A tall barrel is closed on top except for a thin pipe extending 4.9

Model Military International Issue 140 (December 2017
Its fuel consumption was relatively high (24 Litres / 100 km on road) in comparison to the comparable Opel Blitz 1.5 t truck (16.5 liters / 100 km, produced 1938 1942). Total production was about 7,000 units.Sometimes anti tank (37 mm Pak 36) and anti air (2 cm Flak) guns were mounted directly on

You have found an item located in the Kentuckiana Digital
You have found an item located in the Kentuckiana Digital Library. Bee (Earlington, Ky.): n. Thursday, Ma .

Technical Specifications BAMUL
Technical Specifications BAMUL. Misalignment of flanges from the indicated position shall be within 1.5 mm ( 1/16"). Alignment of flanges and branch welding ends measured across any diameter shall not deviate from the indicated position more than 2.5 mm per meter ( 1/32" per foot) of diameter.

(Solved) Figure shows a closed tank holding
Figure shows a closed tank holding air and oil to which is connected a U tube mercury manometer and a pressure gage.Determine the reading of the pressure gage, in lbf/in.2 (gage). The densities of the oil and mercury are 55 and 845, respectively, each in lb/ft3.

Medical supplies / equipment in primary health care
• Solutions must be freshly prepared at the recommended concentration for different uses. • Concentrated solution of 1.5% Chlorhexidine + 15% Cetrimide must be diluted before use with clean water. • Soaking for too long or with too high a concentration can corrode metal instruments.

Solved: Problem 12: A Large Tank Open To The Atmosphere Is
Problem 12: A large tank open to the atmosphere is filled with water to a height of 5 m above the outlet tap (see figure). The tap is near the bottom of the tank and it is now opened. Water flows out from the smooth and rounded outlet.

(PDF) Reactor Design for the Conversion of Waste Plastic
Reactor Design for the Conversion of Waste Plastic into Fuel Oil and Gas Technical Report (PDF Available) April 2015 with 9,632 Reads DOI: /

AIR FORCE Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
The AF Program Manager is Mr. David Sikora, 1 800 222 0336. For general inquiries or problems with the electronic submission, contact the DoD Help Desk at 1 866 724 7457 (1 866 SBIRHLP) (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday).

The Oil Drum BP's Deepwater Oil Spill Restarting
In my understanding, she was not talking about learning where the oil is, but what has happened to it roughly how much has evaporated, been digested, been skimmed, etc. The oil that isn't on the surface is suspended as microscopic droplets, mostly at 1000 1500' depth, and is being broken down by bacteria "rapidly," in her words.

What questions do not have enough information to be
What size of tank should I use? WikiAnswers is designed to provide a specific answer to a specific question. * Questions that do not contain enough information cannot be answered asking "did he

SECTION 9 Procurement Notices
The chute shall be thoroughly flushed with water before and after each working period and the water used for this purpose shall be discharged outside the formwork. All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass with the assistance of vibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the UNDP Engineer for exceptional cases, such as

Warranty: 100x censored info Page 2
Warranty: 100x censored info. If this phenomena is HAARP or CERN induced, its oscillating energy manipulates droplet size in air clouds/water. Another bonus seems to be this pop irradiation; after removal from the reactor core, the fuel pellets are in thin air before immersed into the water tank. And another bonus from more Plutonium

1. A water tank, 3.7 m deep and 2 m in diameter, is
1. A water tank, 3.7 m deep and 2 m in diameter, is connected at the bottom to a second water tank by using a 2 cm diameter pipe (see the figure). The tank A is open to the air and tank B is filled to the top and sealed. Tank A Tank B 1 m 30 cm 3 m 5 (a) What is the mass of the water in tank A? 5 (b) What is the gauge pressure at the bottom of tank A?

The tank is partially filled to a depth of 25 cm with a fluid of specific gravity (SG) = . The specific gravity (SG) of the manometric gage fluid is 3.5. D. Hint: Let the gage pressure in headspace to be p. h where γ is the specific weight of the fluid.

Tray Distillation
If the fluid has to be pumped through the pipe, the size should be selected to give the least annual operating cost. According to Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Volume 6, typical pipe velocities which can be used to estimate pipe sizes, are given in the table below.

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ME 262 BASIC FLUID MECHANICS Assistant Professor
Point F: The change in elevation between point A & point F is 1.5 m with F higher than A. )∆PA−F=γoil×(−1.5 m )= (−1.5 =−13.2 kPa PF=PA+∆PA−F =0 kPa (gage) + ( 13.2) = 13.2 kPa Air Pressure: Since the air in the right hand side of the tank is exposed to the surface of the oil where P F=

HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Solved Problems By Mr. P.
HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Solved Problems By Mr. P. Raveendiran Asst. Professor, Mechanical Calculate the rate of heat loss through the vertical walls of a boiler furnace of size 4 m by 3 m by 3 m high. The walls are constructed from an inner fire brick wall 25 cm 1 = 5 cm = m Inner radius,r 1 = Outer diameter of steel, d 2 = 7

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The bottom pressuremust be the same whether we move downthrough the water or through the gasolineinto the third fluid: Fig. P2.133bottomp (9790 N/m )(1.5 m) (9790)(1.0) (9790)h 6670(2.5 h)= + = + −Solve for h Ans.= The closed tank in Fig. is at20°C. If the pressure at A is 95 kPaabsolute, determine p at B (absolute).

Field Manual for Oil Spills in Cold Climates EPA
This occurred in Chedabucto Bay, where weathered Bunker C oil was observed to have penetrated as much as 1.5 m (4.9 ft) below the surface of a pebble/cobble beach (Owens, 1977a). In general, for depositional beaches, the thickness of oiled sediment in creases as grain size increases.

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A tank that is open to the atmosphere contains a layer of oil (ρ= 800 kg/m3) floating on a layer of water (ρ= 1000 kg/m3). Determine the pressure at elevations A, B, C,and D.NotethatBis midway between Aand C. Solution At a horizontal interface of two

An oil tank is being filled at a constant rate. The depth
An oil tank is being filled at a constant rate. The depth of the oil is a function of the number of minutes the tank has been filling, as shown in the table. Find the depth of the oil one half hour after filling begins.

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The problem statement, all variables and given/known data In a very large closed tank, the absolute pressure of the air above the water is ^5 Speed of water and height involving fluid mechanics Physics Forums

Lectures of Fluid Mechanics Higher Technological Institute
Q2: A floating body 100 m wide and 150 m long has a gross weight of 60,000 ton. Its center of gravity is 0.5 m above the water surface. Find the metacentric height and the restoring couple when the body is given a tilt as shown .

Physics Problem: Bernoulli's Equation AnandTech Forums
The water leaves the bo0ttom of the tank through a nozzle that is directed straight upward. The opening of the nozzle is m below the surface of the water. (a)Find the speed at which the water leaves the nozzle. (b) Ignoring air resistance and viscous effects, determine the height to which the water rises.

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A rectangular tank 6m long, 2m wide and 2m deep contains water to a depth of 1m. It is accelerated horizontally at 2.5 m/s2 in the direction of its length. Determine a) Slope of the free surface b) Maximum and minimum pressure intensities at bottom c) Total force due to water acting on each end of tank.

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Figure shows a closed container holding water and oil
A closed container is partially filled with water. Initially, the air above the water is at atmospheric pressure ( x 1(1' Pa) and the gauge pressure at the bottom of the water is 2500 Pa. Then Posted 5 years ago

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After each stage a load stabilization period shall be observed: 24 hrs between each stage for tanks with a capacity under 10,000 cum. Filling rate shall not exceed 1 metre per day till 50% of the tank capacity and therafter m per the settlement reading after 24 hours of filling exceeds 2 mm, the tank may be observed for another 24
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AIR FORCE 16.1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is responsible for the implementation and management of the AF Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. The AF Program Manager is David Shahady, 1 800 222 0336.