tfbso gas station

US Built $43 Million Gas Station In Afghanistan The
In 2011, the U.S. set out to build a $500,000 gas station in Afghanistan as part of an effort to revitalize their economy. The final cost came in at $42,718,739, recent reports show. The DOD’s program, called the Task Force for Stability and Business Operations (TFBSO) was charged with revitalization efforts in Iraq after 2003, and was

Feds Spent $43 Million on Afghan Gas Station That Should
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent $43 million on a two pump gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost $500,000, an “ill conceived” project that Afghans have little use for

Gas Stations and Gas Prices in Pretty Prairie, KS MapQuest
Find the cheapest nearby gas stations and prices in Pretty Prairie, KS. Use our layers tool to find nearby restaurants, shops, and hotels. Pretty Prairie, KS Directions {{:: }} Sponsored Topics. Pretty Prairie is a city in Reno County, Kansas, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 680.

The one secret $43 million gas station the government
Keywords: Afghanistan, gas station, tax dollars, United States, Department of Defense, TFBSO, Task Force, economy LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) The Department of Defense spent $43 million to build a single gas station in Afghanistan despite a $500,000 price tag to build the same station in Pakistan.

The World’s Most Expensive Gas Station Knowledge Stew
The Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO) was the government entity in charge of building a compressed natural gas (CNG) station in the city of Sheberghan, Afghanistan, that

A $43 million gas station in Afghanistan? Not so fast
The gas station received 47 percent of all of the overhead for TFBSO, while subject matter labor costs were split equally across five energy projects, even though the others were much larger.

U.S. Spent $43 Million on Afghanistan Gas Station
The pumps at the CNG gas station constructed by via the Central Asia Development Group Breaking News Emails SUBSCRIBE By Cassandra Vinograd Nearly $43 million of U.S. taxpayers' money

A $43 Million Gas Station—Is This Why We’re Still in
A $43 Million Gas Station—Is This Why We're Still in Afghanistan? "It is both surprising and troubling that only a few months following the closure of TFBSO, DOD has not been able to find

The U.S. military spent $43 million on a useless gas
The U.S. military's Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO) oversaw the gas station's construction, but shut down in March. Now the DOD says it can't answer questions about a

Watchdog Blasts the Pentagon’s $43M Gas Station That Will
The Cable Watchdog Blasts the Pentagon’s $43M Gas Station That Will Fuel Few Cars in Afghanistan DoD built a $43 million gas station in Afghanistan that no one can use.

Watchdog fumes over $43m Afghan gas station, Pentagon
Sopko wrote that the project an "expenditure [that] appears gratuitous and extreme" was executed without proper planning, considering the local infrastructure for natural gas production and the lack of customers that could even use the station.. READ MORE: Pentagon wasted $15mn on Afghan warehouse it never used "[T]here is no indication that TFBSO considered the feasibility of

No, the US did not spend $43 million on a gas station in
More notable is audit data showing that the narrative Sopko concocted in July 2015 — alleging that TFBSO spent $43 million on a prototype natural gas fueling station — was pure hokum. It was

The Myth of the $43 Million Gas Station in Afghanistan
TFBSO’s part of Shebergan included the Downstream Gas Utilization Project. SIGAR states that the project consisted of building and operating the CNG fueling station, but in fact the project had seven objectives. Building the station — as well as an administrative office building — was one.

U.S. Spent $43 Million On Gas Station In Afghanistan
TFBSO was directed to build and operate Afghanistan's first compressed natural gas filling station, in the city of Sheberghan, and to also assist in developing the commercial market for domestic natural gas, NBC News explained. While TFBSO succeeded in building the gas station, the group apparently failed to study the viability of the project

'World's Most Expensive Gas Station' Cost Taxpayers $43M
American taxpayers are on the hook for a $43 million gas station constructed in Afghanistan a price tag that’s about $42.5 million higher than it

Department’s information concerning TFBSO’s decision to
that found TFBSO did not devise long term planning strategies for its $282 million investment to develop the mineral, oil, and gas industries in Afghanistan, calling into question the sustainability of those investments, and a report on the nearly $43 million spent to construct a compressed natural gas automobile filing station

The World's Most Expensive Gas Station Knowledge Stew
The Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO) was the government entity in charge of building a compressed natural gas (CNG) station in the city of Sheberghan, Afghanistan, that would take advantage of Afghanistan’s large natural gas reserves and reduce the amount of foreign imports.

The U.S. Gov't Spent $43 Million On A Gas Station That
Building this gas station should have cost $500,000. Instead, the U.S. military spent $42,718,739 and can’t explain why. The gas station in question is very true to its name; it is a compressed

Report: Afghanistan gas station cost $43 million CNNPolitics
"Although TFBSO achieved its immediate objective of building the CNG filling station, it apparently did so at an exorbitant cost to U.S. taxpayers," Sopko wrote to

The attached report discusses SIGAR’s review of the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO) Downstream Gas Utilization project. According to a TFBSO study, the Task Force spent nearly $43 million to construct a compressed natural gas (CNG) automobile filling station in the city of Sheberghan, Afghanistan.

The only thing more absurd than the $43 million gas
The gas station was built by an initiative called the Task Force for Stability and Business Operations (TFBSO), which spent $766 million on Afghan reconstruction between 2010 and 2014.

US Builds a $43M Gas Station in Afghanistan and Nobody
These are the facts. At some point, someone somewhere in the US government had an amazing idea: why not build a compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station in Afghanistan? Forty three million taxpayer dollars later, the city of Sheberghan, in the far north of the country, got its gas station